Glady Run Stream Restoration and Preservation Project
Coldwater assisted Greene County Parks & Trails (GCP&T) in the successful preparation of a grant application and implementation of a project to restore and protect approximately 3,500 linear feet of Glady Run. The stream had been historically re-located and channelized and was suffering from severely eroding stream banks that were contributing substantial sediment and nutrient loads. Streambank erosion was also threatening an adjacent City of Xenia water main and the Little Miami Scenic Trail / Ohio to Erie Trail that is heavily used for cycling and walking.
The overall project budget ($226,962) was funded through Ohio EPA’s Section 319(h) Non-Point Source Program along with a $64,338 in local match. Following the grant award, GCP&T retained Coldwater for grant administration, assessment, design, permitting, bidding document preparation, and construction oversight.
Coldwater’s site assessment activities included aquatic resources delineation, geomorphic analysis, endangered species surveys, and vegetation / invasive species mapping. The assessment results were used to inform project design.
The final restoration design included a bank “build-out” to stabilize the streambank, native seeding, and plantings (live stakes, shrubs, and trees). This design was selected to restore and stabilize eroding bank sections while maintaining the conveyance capacity of the channel. In addition to stabilizing the stream bank, the construction documents were developed to minimize the impacts to the trail. Permits obtained by Coldwater for the project included a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 27, a local floodplain development permit, and an Ohio EPA construction stormwater NPDES permit. Construction was completed in May 2015 within budget and without any significant change orders or schedule delays.
Stream Restoration
Bioengineering Techniques
Biological Assessments
Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling
Grant Writing
Environmental Permitting
Invasive Species Control
Construction Management
Grant Administration
Public Outreach