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Green Infrastructure &
Stormwater Management

Green infrastructure is typically defined as any natural or engineered stormwater management system that mimics natural processes and mitigates the impact of stormwater runoff on receiving waters. Examples of green infrastructure include bioretention (rain gardens), rain barrels, bioswales, extended detention, tree planters, permeable pavers, and subsurface detention facilities. For green infrastructure projects to be successful in the long-term, location siting, facility sizing, soil media, drainage, and landscaping plans are critical. These factors all interplay. Our comprehensive understanding of the various design criteria for green infrastructure enables us to advise our clients throughout the design process and to maximize the chances of success.

We have a Green Infrastructure Practitioner on staff, certified through the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP). We have worked extensively with the City of Columbus and multiple engineering firms to advance the Blueprint Columbus program. We have helped to refine planting palettes; prepare planting plan standards; prepare native planting plans; site and size green infrastructure locations; prepare design documents; manage and oversee construction; assist with public outreach; develop post-construction monitoring protocols; and establish operation and maintenance requirements.

The following is a list of services provided by Coldwater related to our Green Infrastructure practices.

  • Downspout and Runoff Surveys
  • Green Infrastructure Siting and Sizing
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses
  • Alternatives Analyses
  • Green Infrastructure Design
  • Native Planting Plans
  • Environmental Permitting
  • Construction Management and Oversight
  • Post-Construction Monitoring and Management
  • Graphic Renderings for Public Outreach

Conceptual Rendering of a Bioretention Basin

We are experienced in hydrologic & hydraulic modeling as well as the design of best management practices.  We specialize in the use of stream restoration, wetland restoration, and green infrastructure to address stormwater requirements along with flooding, erosion, and related concerns.  We find that there are often an ecologically minded solutions to traditional stormwater management problems.  The Lake Avenue Stream and Wetland Restoration Project and the Queen City & Cora Avenue Sewer Separation Project feature ecologically sustainable solutions to stormwater management.

Our interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers draw upon a wealth of experience in stormwater engineering, watershed planning, and ecological restoration to determine how to best achieve your stormwater management goals. Whether it is development of a stormwater detention basin, reduction of combined sewer overflows, or construction site management, we can help develop cost-effective, sustainable solutions to maximize the benefits to the community and surrounding environment. We employ Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) and Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Stormwater Inspectors (CESSWI), which aid in informing the design and ensure that consideration is given to implementing the appropriate techniques and controls.

An aerial view of silt fence on a construction project. When designed and installed properly, sediment and erosion controls can be highly effective.

The following is a list of services provided by Coldwater related to our Stormwater Management practices.

  • Alternatives Analyses
  • Stormwater System Design
  • Stormwater BMP Design
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses
  • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) and Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Abatement
  • MS4 Compliance
  • Erosion and Sediment Controls
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3)
  • Watershed Management and Master Planning
  • Sustainable Infrastructure Planning
  • Environmental Permitting