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Eureka Hunter Pipeline Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting


Permitting for Natural Gas Pipeline Construction in Ohio and West Virginia

Ohio and West Virginia
Coldwater assisted during project design to help minimize or avoid wetland and stream impacts
Coldwater obtained regulatory permits and other agency approvals for this recently cleared pipeline right-of-way
Coldwater’s Mitch Farley assesses stream and riparian habitat at a pipeline crossing location

Coldwater assisted Eureka Hunter Pipeline, LLC (Eureka) with the regulatory permitting required for construction of over 100 miles of new natural gas pipeline in parts of Ohio and West Virginia. The purpose of the natural gas pipeline construction is to collect raw natural gas from multiple well sites and convey it to centralized processing facilities in the region. Coldwater performed all wetland and stream delineations and other field assessments required for the pipeline construction and completed the necessary Clean Water Act Section 404 permits, as well as construction stormwater permitting, floodplain permitting and hydrostatic discharge permitting.

Eureka was required to obtain 404 Permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for unavoidable impacts to wetlands and streams. Coldwater worked closely with USACE and Eureka during the design phase to minimize wetland and stream impacts so that pipeline construction could be expedited under the Nationwide Permit program. Approval under the Nationwide Permit program reduced agency review time and prevented delays to the project schedule.

As part of the Section 404 permits, Coldwater performed habitat assessments and prepared minimization plans to obtain threatened and endangered species clearances from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). This involved coordination with USFWS field offices in Ohio and West Virginia. Of particular concern was the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), a federally-listed endangered species.  One segment of new pipeline was located within the buffer of a known occurrence of the Indiana bat and required preparation of a detailed mitigation plan to be approved by the USFWS.

In West Virginia, Coldwater’s scope also included securing Stream Activity Permits from the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Office of Land and Streams and approvals under the WVDEP Construction Stormwater General Permit.


Biological Assessments
Environmental Permitting
Indiana Bat Conservation Plans

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
Floodplain Permits