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Doan Brook Streambank Stabilization Project


Doan Brook Streambank Stabilization Project

Cleveland, Ohio
Close coordination with project stakeholders was critical during project design.
Pre-construction conditions along eroded bank.
Post-construction view of riffle structure and floodplain.
Post-construction view looking upstream, note the wilow growth within the rock toe after one growing season.

Coldwater provided geomorphic assessments, design, hydraulic modeling, permitting, and construction support services for NEORSD’s Doan Brook Streambank Stabilization project. The project is located on Doan Brook in Wade Park, near the Cleveland Museum of Art. The overall goal of the project was to stabilize a stream bank along Doan Brook that was actively eroding. Portions of the 30-foot-high stream bank adjacent to the Museum of Art’s property were over-steepened and nearly vertical. The project included re-grading of approximately 850 feet of stream bank to stabilize the slope and natural channel design of a new alignment for Doan Brook. The stream design included improved grade control measures as well as improved access to the floodplain. Pre-design services completed by Coldwater included a geomorphic field investigation to determine appropriate design parameters to use in the natural channel design.

Design support services included the completion of hydraulic modeling using HEC-RAS software with a focus on supporting the design of the grade control structures, bank protection materials, and access to floodplain. Coldwater assisted in securing local floodplain development permits by demonstrating that the design would not generate adverse flooding impacts. Additional design support services included preparing design details and specifications for the grade control structures and design input to the grading and erosion control plans.

Coldwater supported NEORSD and Jacobs during the construction of the approximately $2.5M project, assisting with contractor submittal reviews, RFI responses, and construction observation. These activities primarily focused on the stream design and geomorphic elements, and erosion control. Coldwater also supported the project by providing input to direct field modifications, and completing analyses for design modifications based on field conditions, including updating profile grading and plunge pool design. Hydraulic modeling was completed during construction to validate the proposed modifications. Construction sequencing required the contractor to prepare a water control plan; Coldwater provided assistance by reviewing and commenting on contractor’s plan to ensure project specifications were adhered to. The project was substantially completed in fall of 2019.


Stream Restoration
Natural Channel Design
Geomorphic Assessment
Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling

In-Stream Grade Control
Native Planting Plans
Floodplain Permitting
Technical Review
Construction Support