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Delaware County Sewer District OECC Facility Plan


Olentangy Environmental Control Center Facility Improvements

Powell, Ohio
The Olentangy River was the third scenic river designated in Ohio.
Coldwater evaluated the physical quality of the unnamed tributary to the Olentangy River using Ohio EPA’s Primary Headwater Habitat Evaluation Index (HHEI).
During the habitat assessment, Coldwater documented one bald eagle nest on the east side of the Olentangy River.

The Delaware County Regional Sewer District proposes to construct improvements to the existing Olentangy Environmental Control Center (OECC). In support of the development of the OECC Facility Plan, Coldwater completed an investigation of environmental permitting requirements associated with future improvements to the OECC.

Coldwater completed a delineation of aquatic resources and habitat assessment for federally-listed threatened or endangered species on an approximately 29-acre proposed expansion area.  A perennial tributary to the Olentangy River flows through the project area. The physical quality of the stream was assessed at two locations, where potential project impacts were under consideration. These assessments are required as a condition of Ohio EPA’s Water Quality Certification (WQC) for Nationwide Permits, as the project is located within an area where Ohio EPA requires a stream eligibility determination for coverage under the issued WQC.

Coldwater completed the habitat assessment during a period of minimal leaf cover in order to conduct a bald eagle nest survey. One bald eagle nest was documented. Using US Fish and Wildlife Service guidance, Coldwater provided recommended avoidance measures to minimize disturbance to nesting eagles.

Following on-site investigations, Coldwater completed an analysis of potential environmental permitting requirements. The site is in close proximity to the Olentangy River, a state-designated Scenic River with stringent riparian setbacks and stormwater management requirements. Coldwater compiled a detailed summary of permitting requirements and provided recommendations for potential project avoidance and minimization measures to aid in streamlining project permitting.


Biological Assessments
Environmental Permitting Investigation

Riparian Setback Analysis
Eagle Nest Survey
Cultural Resources Review